Thursday 20 July 2017

Heartbreaking Story Of An Elephant Who Had 27 Owners But Was Caged For 50 Long Years

Elephants have been used for carrying the luggage of people, tree trunks and all that man
couldn't do. Since the machinery came in place, its tusks, skin, tail hair et al have been
used for commercially selling it. Even then in some regions of the world they still are used
by mahouts using their devilish bullhooks. Not all the elephants can be saved on the planet
but they must be saved from the horrors of the mankind. And, Wildlife SOS-UK did do it
when it rescued an elephant from the Northern region of Uttar Pradesh, India and
transferred it to the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in Mathura. Raju - the elephant
was held captive for more 50 years and then the Wildlife SOS-UK people could save it.

The following information was collected from Mirror and Wildlife SOS, which tells you
all about the tortures Raju has been through and the courageous attempts made by the
UK based organisation to rescue it.

Midnight rescue

Wildlife SOS founder Kartick Satyanarayan kept an eye out for two days before rescuing
so that no sudden movement alerts the current owner of Raju who had it captured in spikes.

A year's request